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Humanely. Heartily.
Initiated by NGO Muskaan, and now being implemented TaraSri Foundation, Tara@Satrikh intervention is located in Satrikh village of Barabanki district, near Lucknow. The mission of the Tara@Satrikh (TS) intervention is holistic development of the village and holistic growth of people living in and visiting Satrikh. By being at Tara@Satrikh, one will experience the joy of simple living, sharing, listening, silence, communion with the five elements of nature and with divinity in Self. Given below is a summary of 18 projects under the TS intervention.
Values of the TS Intervention are: 1)Transparency 2)Integrity 3)Appreciating Mindfully 4)Efficiency

Just like most other projects of Muskaan, Tara@Satrikh Intervention is also being funded by Vibha, initially. Vibha’s Gratitude Joyshop is also a way to raise funds for TS. We are open to collaborate with CSR entities, philanthropists and other donors for the projects and happy to associate with sponsors for travel, hotel stay, etc., for our expert Resource Persons.

Based on Vibha’s practice of ‘inner’ to ‘outer’ development, the foundation of the TS intervention is anchored in inclusiveness, whole system thinking, neuroscience and experiential spirituality. It is worth mentioning here that Vibha is investing her energy, time & wisdom in Tara@Satrikh intervention with full rigour and complete detachment with the outcome.
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1)Positive Education
Nothing can stop a child who is curios, is given the freedom to explore & is supported by a few caring adults in this process – this is what will happen at Sadabahar Centre. We believe. Positive Education, i.e., education that draws individual strengths and personal motivation to promote learning. The centre will will be a space to nurture inherent human potential and curiosity, for self-directed learning, with involvement of interested adults from the community. Soon, we will set-up a library for children. We are in the process of finalising partnership with SEE Learning Emory/India, to implement “Chalo Mile Khud Se” program in government school/s for social-emotional-ethical learning.
Sustainable Development Goals: 4,5 and 17
2) Mental Well-being
In partnership with the Department of Development Communication & Extension, Lady Irwin College (DU), RAHAT New Delhi & BBD University Lucknow, we launched a mental health project on 8th August’22, in Lucknow. The objective is to build skills of college students as Mental Health Champions and to reduce stigma around mental health issues.
The project will build capacity of college students and rural youth by conducting trainings, providing material for behaviour change communication and undertake advocacy activities. The projects aims to cater to 20,000+ population.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 and 17.
3)Spiritual Well-being
Moving from the Information Age, we are at the door-step of the age of consciousness. The need of the hour is to invest in cultural – spiritual capital and this centre exists for the same. This centre will offer Vibha’s signature courses – Gratitude Joyshops, Sole to Soul Circle, Mindful Living, PanchTatvaYog & Sacred Seven Streams programs. The seven streams of engagement in this program are: 1. Sewa (Self-less service), 2. Swadhyay (Self study & self-reflection), 3. Sadhna (Meditation practice), 4. Sankeertan (Devotional music), 5. Samvaad (Spiritual discourses), 6. Shukriya (Gratitude) & 7. Satvik Food (Healthy food). The centre will also organise satsang with sages and scientists, by hosting them as speakers.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 & 16
4)Chemical Free Honey
Muskaan has a partnership with “Madhumakkhiwala” to support Bee life and produce pure honey.This projects being launched in August’22.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 & 8
5)Chemical Free Farming
Muskaan is exploring a partnership with organizations like ‘The Way We Were and Vinoba Sewa Ashram for chemical free farming. Gradually Muskaan will educate and empower locals in that area to adopt chemical free farming.
Sustainable Development Goals: 2,3 &12
We have initiated the process to set-up a Gaushala. The first few cows will be Gangatiri cows, found in Varanasi/Prayagraj region of UP and are getting extinct. Our Gaushala will follow all ethical measure when it comes to use of milk and well-being of cows and the calves.
7)Holistic village Development
This project will undertake local measures from climate change-mitigation perspective. It will facilitate use of solar & other eco friendly measures. The project will also facilitate nutri-smart villages to address malnutrition issues. Sustainable Development Goals: 1,2, 6,7,8,12,13,15 & 17
8)Cultural Well-being
Our ‘Vocal for Local Arts’ project supports locals artisans to promote local art forms (music, pottery, crafts, etc.) to preserve local culture and contribute to their income. We are beginning with local pottery work.
Sustainable Development Goals: 5,8 & 10
9)Bridge to Services
We at Muskaan believe in working in collaboration with the local government, in order to increase uptake of government services. This project will inform and educate local people about benefits of govt. schemes and facilitate accessing the services.
Sustainable Development Goals: 1,2,3,7,10 & 17
10)Physical Well-being
Our ‘Yes to Sports’ project will provide training and other facilities for sports like badminton, basketball etc., for local girls and boys at Satrikh.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3& 5
11)Social Well-being
Our ‘Share a Saree’ project addresses a socio-cultural issue. Just like sisters/friends borrow sarees from one another, we have set-up a saree bank (wedding occasion type of sarees), which less privileged women can take and retun after use.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 & 10
12)Girls Fellowship & Mentorship
We have partnered with Udayan Shalini Fellowship program, to offer six years support for educational and mentorship, to less privileged girls from grade 8th onwards. They will be supported to purse higher studies in the line of their choice. Additionally, they will get mentorship, life skills workshops and leadership training, etc.
Sustainable Development Goals: 4,5 & 10
13)Care for Elderly
Muskaan is in the process of identifying land in Satrikh to set-up a state of the art home for elderly people. Muskaan’s Sadabahar centre for education and the home for elderly, will run in conjunction, based the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Initially, we may begin with services at door-steps for those elders who are missing human connections, due to their age related barriers.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 & 10
14)Animal Care Home
Muskaan is in the process of identifying land in Satrikh to set-up a state of the art shelter home for abandoned dogs.
Sustainable Development Goals: 15
15)Human Library
Inspired by Denmark’s model, we will start a Human Library at Satrikh. Conceptually, human Library is like a regular library, in which human volunteers are books, who have opted to speak about their experiences openly to an interested audience. The Human Library challenges stereotypes & prejudices through dialogue & promotes a culture of respectful listening.
Sustainable Development Goals: 10
16)Bhasha Kendra
This kendra (centre) will offer courses in various languages, e.g., Sanskrit, French, etc. We are in the process of engaging teachers to offer courses as part of this centre.
Sustainable Development Goals: 4
17)Time Bank
A time-based currency is an exchange system where the unit of account is the person-hour. For every hour of help you give, you earn an hour’s credit from your time bank. You can spend your time credit by receiving an hour of someone else’s time for any specific task/help. Everyone’s time is valued equally: whatever the skill or task. We are integrating in all projects of TS.
Sustainable Development Goals: 10
18)Win-win Volunteering
Volunteering is an integral part of all of Muskaan’s work. We have four options for volunteering: 1)Five days. 2) Two months 3) Internship 4) Gap year-9 months 5)Employee Engagement Program. One can volunteer at Satrikh village, in our offices at Lucknow, Greater Noida, and online also. We have hosted interns from Yale & Princeton Universities in the past.
Sustainable Development Goals: 3 and 10
Initiated by Vibha on April 1, 2022, the TS intervention is co-lead by Vibha and Mr. B. P. Vijayendra. There are project-wise work teams and external experts are engaged as per projects’ needs. Every project is co-lead by a team of three members. The following people have been chosen to be part of Lucknow based team of Volunteers for TS intervention of Muskaan.
Lucknow/Satrikh/Ayodhya based volunteers (Non-core group members): 1) Satyaveer 2) Bineeta Saxena 3) Dhruv Misra 4) Amar 5) Prasoon 4) Ashish 5) Reema
The following people have been chosen to be part of Core Group for the TS intervention:
1) B P Vijayendra (Hyderabad) 2) Vibha 3) Anju Raheja (Delhi) 4) Neeru Johri (Delhi) 5) Ajay Patel (Ahmedabad) 6) HVB Sinha (Lucknow) 7) Sangeeta Srivastava (Lucknow) 8) Rajiv Gupta (Lucknow) 9) Manjari Chandra (Lucknow) 10) Sapna Mittal (Delhi) 11) Kabir B Mehra (Delhi & Lucknow) 12) Neeta Sinha (Mumbai) 13) Vikas Choudhry (Hyderabad) 14) Amulya Hitkari (Kanpur) 15) Dr Khurshid Khan (Lucknow).